Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Technology

When I was first given these options months ago, it was a no-brainer that I would be doing a film opening over a magazine layout. I am a TV Production student and have had vast experience making videos. Of course, those videos tend to be sports, like sports highlight for my school. (I tried downloading an example onto here, but the video wasn't compatible with the site. Thanks Blogger)

While I am not as skilled in the entertainment industry as I am in sports, I certainly have the tools to make a high-quality video. I will check out a Panasonic AG-AC90 camera, or AC90, to film the video. I have worked with this camera for three years now, and it can do many things that a professional camera can do. For example, I plan on using a rack focus and a vertigo shot in the film. Those are just two "tricks" this baby can do. For more information, check out the official description at

As for editing, I will use Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I have used this since it came out and find it quite easy and helpful. For more information, check out the official description at

"AG-AC90 AVCCAM - Panasonic." AVCCAM - Panasonic. Panasonic, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

"Adobe Premiere Pro CC." Premiere Pro CC. Adobe, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

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